Online Site tech Cost Dreakdown
- domain
- hosting
Depends on different specs& Recommending:
Banwidth: 2M
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2682v4, vCPU 1 Core, 2G Memory
SSD Storage: 40G System Cloud Space + 20G Data Space
- functionality developments
Backend, frontend, User profile, Recorded session, frontpage, about/contact, course system, layout (self development) - None
Live incorperation with third-party platform, style/theme (outsource) 5k to 10k RMB
- platform
Estimated 50-80RMB one account depending on different provider.
Total Cost: 2.1W/first year
- A website that functions and provides students with live lessons linking to e.g. Gensee, and for teachers to log on from backend;
- Attendence are recorded. TA could log on to monitor the class.
- School can upload recorded lessons on platforms for promotion purposes.